Review: Perfect Stranger by Jake Cross

Perfect Stranger by Jake Cross really started out good. I was hooked. But, around the middle it really started to drag. In all fairness, it may have been entirely my fault. When I am working through a book and find that I have short car trips or 15 minute windows here and there to read, I find myself wanting to cut to the chase.

I gave Perfect Stranger 3 stars. The ending got really dark for me and I felt that the middle of the book was full of new characters, new crimes, and I really had a hard time putting all of the pieces together. At the end, the way the story played out, I could not justify and believe all of the coincidences and parallels. I also couldn't decide if the main character was a good guy or a bad guy.

There's a video that is viewed repeatedly in the book, and it's described many times. There were many times that I felt the story was dragging. I felt like I was introduced to many characters that kept showing back up in the book but they weren't significant. It was hard for me to discern that from the amount of time and emphasis placed on describing them. Additionally, there were so many jurisdictions, police officers, and geographies that I really couldn't recall which thing occurred where.

I was disappointed in this one, overall.  Have any of you read this one, yet? What did you think? Am I crazy? What am I missing here?

I'm thankful to @Netgalley and @Bookouture for the chance to get my hands on it for an honest review before the rest of the world.

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