What am I doing here?

I think it's probably time that my love of books had a special place. This new blog will mirror a lot of the same information found on my new insta account @oakcitybooks I've always found it easier to spill my heart and thoughts out on a good blank document page so I expect that this blog will have more gusto and umph than my instagram account. 

I have a few reasons that I felt I needed to get a little more serious about book reviews. Stay tuned for those in a future blogpost. :)

Please be patient and check back frequently as I begin to drag some of my recent reviews over from Instagram with perhaps a little more color and passion. And, understand that it's constantly a battle for my free "me" time. Read? Write? Instagram? Amazon? 

As a creative person, like all other creatives, I find that I go through periods of time I am extremely inspired and driven to write and externalize the sunshine I have inside. Other times, I just want to read and be in a cozy nook with a hot tea or coffee. So, I would expect that I will have periods with lots of posts and periods with not so many. I will do my best, as I find the more books I read and blog about, the opportunity I have for more advanced reader copies and reviews. Which means, MORE BOOKS!

We all have different things we like to read. I bounce back and forth between fiction and non-fiction but prefer fiction because I like to read to escape the realty of the troubling and trying times we all face. Reading non-fiction requires me to really be in a place of peace and typically drains me in a way that causes me to need to take a few days or week breaks between my next book. Non-fiction stirs me because I usually feel really invested and connected to the writer and their battles/plights. However, fiction allows me to escape and dive in to a mystery that I can tell myself isn't real. It's a fine balance between the two. So, I think you'll find a pretty good mix of books here. 

I used to read a lot of romance chic-lit books. I loved a good love story from Nicholas Sparks and still do wait for his new books to come out. But, they can be so predictable and cliche' that I don't feel like I connect to them the same way I do to the more recent books I've read over the last few years. 

I hope that you find this blog refreshing and resourceful. A place you can come to see what I've been digging into. And, I hope you don't take offense if I hated something you loved and I won't take offense if you don't feel the same way about the books I love or don't love. I think that's one of the most fascinating things about books. They all move us in different directions and leave us differently. 

Happy reading, friends!

All my admiration,

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