A few neighbors drop their kids off at camp and rent an expensive beach house to unwind. The book is called One Little Secret but holy cow, there are more secrets than you can count by the time you get to the middle of this book. Such and such is sleeping with whatsername and marriages that look, "normal," on the outside crumble at the beach on the FIRST NIGHT!
I would have given this book 5 stars but I struggled with remembering who was married to whom and which kids were from which couples. Additionally, the book dragged just a bit for me in the middle. A few of the parts were predictable. However, like only a seasoned writer could do, the ending was NOT predictable.
This is the first book I've read by Cate Holahan. It looks like she has a few more interesting-looking thrillers. After reading this one I'd definitely pick up one of her other books. She knows how to appeal to strong female readers, and her characters in One Little Secret are believable, easy to relate to, and you'll feel this story could easily happen in your neighborhood.
I was provided One Little Secret in exchange for providing honest feedback. Thank you @Netgalley and @meryl_moss. I enjoyed this one, and can still feel the spray of the ocean on that jetty where Rachel died. Well-written, hard to put down, and page after page I caught myself reading with wide eyes! #thrillerreview #bookreview #netgalley #onelittlesecret @cateholahan #sendmemorebooks #booklover #4stars #loveareviewer #justfinishedreading