Book Review: Decoding Boys by Cara Natterson Release Date 2/11/20

5 Stars for Decoding Boys by Cara Natterson! Not my typical book genre, Decoding Boys is a book for moms of boys. Cara covers uncomfortable (at least for me) territory that addresses the concerns a lot of moms face today when it comes to understanding their boys.

Cara Natterson uses her experiences as a pediatrician and mom to shed some light on physiologically what is going on in the pubescent and pre-pubescent boys in our lives. She clears up some misinformation and dives right into what we can do and say when it comes to peer pressure, social media, delayed development, early development, and (gasp) PORN. OMG. Middle school? Yes.

Cara provides shocking statistics that will reinforce the importance of arming yourself with education and talking points so that you at least feel informed before talking to your boy(s). She urges us to talk to them because they are talking to others at school, seeing things on the internet, and regardless of how much we try to shelter them, they have real questions and need to know they can ask.

As a mom of boys, I feel more equipped and less naive after reading this book. It's difficult to know what to do all of the time, in such a changing and information-open world.

Thought-provoking and a bit scary, this book is definitely informative and offers suggestions and recommendations that will help when the time comes to talk about the hard things.

Thank you to @netgalley and @randomhouse #netgalley #randomhouse #ballantinebooks for the opportunity to read this book #decodingboys before the rest of the world in exchange for an honest review. I'll definitely be needing it over the next few years! #bookreview #5stars #nonfiction #boymomhelp #readgoodbooks #readtoknow #informedmom #getsmart

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