Cooper Lyons hasn't spoken to his son or grandchildren in years. Every year, he sends Christmas cards with gift cards in them. Year after year goes by without any responses. He chose to start over in Alaska years ago when his reputation was scarred by lies and deceit. Out of the blue, he gets a phone call from his teenage granddaughter, also desperate for a chance to start over and get away from her difficult parents.
What develops as soon as Harper arrives to stay with her grandfather is incredibly moving. Odds are, if you have a grandparent that has loved you into being, you'll see pieces of them in this book and you'll reflect on that love and the impact it has had on your life.
Harper struggles with so many of the things that have been plaguing young adults for as long as humans been wandering this earth. Author Glen Sobey does a really great job weaving in acceptance, freedom, peer pressure, the search for unconditional love, and self-identity as key threads in No Fences In Alaska. And, he really wrote like he has experience with all of the above from the perspective of a grandparent, a parent, sibling, and teenager.
The other thing that I loved about No Fences in Alaska was the scenery. Glen does a magnificent job describing the setting in the book. I felt like I was also among the moose and bears, hiking, and surrounded by majestic views and the smell of moss and cold air.
I hesitate to put this one in the hands of a young teenager and that's why it didn't get 5 shining stars from me. Y'all please don't throw tomatoes at me. I'm aware of how many awards this book has won. There are 2 sides of the fence (pun intended). And, since all of my kids are preteens, my opinion may be a little biased. Maybe they'll all get a copy the first time drugs, sex, or naked pictures turn up on their phones. Teenagerdom is going to hit my household like a wrecking ball, I'm sure of it.
Thank you to my friends @blackrosewriting for providing this read to me after the release date. I wanted to read it after so many fellow bookbloggers were talking it up on instagram and reached out for the opportunity to review it. Thank you also to @glensobeyauthor for educating me on a few things and taking me on an adventure in Alaska with a grandpa similar to my own. #nofencesinalaska #blackrosewriting #glensobey #alaskanbook #4stars #bookreview #oakcitybooks #winterreading #takemetoalaska #sendmemorebooks #readmorebooks #bookstagram #bibliophile #bookworm #booknerd #read #literarygrandpas
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