Set in the Blue Ridge Mountains, I could easily see the imagery and understood the pros and cons of attending Goode School. Landlocked, tucked away, sheltered, trapped...all characteristics of the school as well as the main characters. Ellison uses her skill to build one mystery after another, making Good Girls Lie impossible to put down.
Goode School is elite, private, and the girls who graduate from there are the cream of the crop, on a path to any Ivy League School of their choice. Traditions and alliances run deep and a lot rides on being tapped and belonging. Ellison lays a foundation with the setting, the hormones, and peer pressure. Ghost stories, rumors, and secrets are part of the mortar that Ellison uses as she throws in one twist after another. When a student is found dead, the scramble begins to find out if she committed suicide or if she was pushed. One mystery builds upon another in a race to save the school's reputation, and to get to the bottom of multiple suspenseful and shocking elements, all tied to one student.
Whether you are looking for a quick read to end 2019 with, or your first read of 2020, Good Girls Lie needs to be added to your TBR list. Also, kudos to J.T. Ellison, providing the Suicide Prevention Lifeline number at the end of her book and telling readers they aren't alone. Since I didn't have a cover with this egalley, I thought that would be the best "cover," to share.
Thank you to @netgalley and @harlequinbooks for providing this book in exchange for an honest review. @thrillerchick, this was worth the wait and anticipation. I loved it! #thriller #GoodGirlsLie #NetGalley #tbrlist #booksof2019 #booksof2020 #bookworm #booknerd #sendmebooks #bookreview #readnext #ivyleague #allgirlsschool #suspense #readgoodbooks #5stars