Review: The RBG Way by Rebecca Gibian Release Date 11/12/19

3 Stars for The RBG Way by Rebecca Gibian. I had really high hopes for this one. I was thinking this book would be a great break from my thrillers and suspenseful fiction. I have to say, I was pretty disappointed. This book had the right idea, but became very reference-y pretty quickly.

I thought this would be less about RBG's court cases and more about her grit. Some would probably argue with me and say there was an awful lot of mention of her grit in the pages of The RBG Way but there were so many quotes and referenced texts of other recent authors, it really felt like I was reading someone's research paper on RBG.

I must say, I did highlight a few passages that I liked. However, I lost interest quickly and was more interested in seeking out the other books and articles referenced than continuing to read this one. I liked Rebecca's' tone and voice, and did like reading about RBG's relationship with her husband, Marty. I was fascinated by the part of the book that discussed their love story, trials, and triumphs. I just couldn't stay interested in the case after case after case pieces in the book that continued from beginning to end.

If someone was looking for a good book on RBG that referenced lots of others, this would be perfect. And, I guess since Rebecca couldn't interview RBG for the book, she did the best she could with the data and information she had. It was clear that she spent a lot of time digging and putting pieces together. It just wasn't for me.

I was provided this book free of charge in exchange for an honest review.

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